Thursday, October 25, 2007

To Each His Own

I've been on the edge of what society considers "normal" for most of my life. I guess I just like to push the limits. I'm as much a Libertarian as I am Conservative. Now I can hear all of you saying "Conservative and fetish can not be used in the same sentence". Not so!! In fact one of the tenets of Conservatism is less government, less government involvement, less government control. As a FINANCIAL Conservative I like to see government just get out of the way and allow Entrepreneurs to do what they do, create. Create solutions to problems, to find ways to address our needs. They create new jobs, they are the engine of advancement. I read recently about a German who came here, New York City, to start a business. He found obstacle after obstacle. Government did all it could to keep him from success. Finally after more then a year he said he was returning to Germany. He said "Europeans have this idea of the States as a sort of wild West. Where you can do what you want if it doesn't hurt another, where you can take a risk and rise or fall with your efforts. However what I've found is the same thing we have in Germany, rules and regulations which impede business. Permits, licenses which require various qualificatons which have NOTHING to do with the profession." This WAS the way we built the economy which is the most successful in history. Some people admire Us, and others are just jealous, but when it is all said and done they want what we have.

Film at 11